Welcome to the twenty–sixth edition of InkLocation’s Top 10 Tattoos of the week! Sorry for featuring a few artists a couple of weeks in a row, but some pieces are just too awesome to not post up.
As usual, if you see an awesome tattoo you that was completed during the next week – send it through to info@inklocations.com or tag us @inklocations #inklocations to get it in the running to be featured in next weeks edition!
This week features Ben Klishevskiy (@ben_klishevskiy), Jun Cha (@juncha), Karol Rybakowski (@karolrybakowski), Mystik (@mystiktattoos), Nicklas Westin (@nicklaswestin), Q (@q_tattoos), Rich Pineda (@richiebon), Steve Butcher (@stevebutchertattoos), Timofey Nikulshin (@nikulshin) and Tony Nguyen (@inkfiend_tony) .
Jun Cha
Timofey Nikulshin
Tony Nguyen
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