Welcome back to the thirteenth edition of InkLocation’s Top 10 Tattoos of the week! This week we put in quite a few artists that haven’t yet been featured. As usual, they are in alphabetical order to keep things fair!
Featuring Chantelle Thong (@chantellethongtattoos), Csaba Mullner (@csabamullnertattoos), Dennis Sivak (@sivak_), Hokowhitu Sciascia (@inglourious_hoko), Ivano Natale (@ivanonataletats), Khail Aitken (@khailtattooer), Liz Venom (@lizvenom), Miguel Taguet (@michaeltaguet), Robert Borbas (@grindesign) and Tomasz Tofi Torfinski (@tofi_tattoo)
As usual, if you see an awesome tattoo you that was completed during the next week – send it through to [email protected] to get it featured in next weeks edition!
Chantelle Thong
Khail Aitken
Liz Venom
Miguel Taguet