Welcome to the thirty-second edition of InkLocation’s Top 10 Tattoos of the week!
This week features Benjamin Laukis (@benjaminlaukis), Beny Pearce (@tat2beny), Dean Taylor (@deantaylortattoos), Dmitriy Samohin (@dmitriysamohin), Dylan Weber (@dylanwebertattoos), Fred Tattoo (@fred_tattoo), Jean Le Roux (@jeanleroux), Jumilla Olivares (@jumillaolivares), Quang Sta (@quan9sta) and Yarson St (@yarson_tattoo).
As usual, if you see an awesome tattoo that was completed during the next week – send it through to [email protected] or tag us @inklocations #inklocations to get it in the running to be featured in next weeks edition!
Benjamin Laukis
Beny Pearce
Dean Taylor
Dmitriy Samohin
Dylan Weber
Jean Le Roux
Jumilla Olivares
Quang Sta
Yarson St